
I thought they were amazing...

I do believe I mentioned some bacon chocolate chip cookies in a previous post...but I'm not sure and don't care to look. Anyway one night while searching for recipes when I should have been sleeping I found a recipe for the above mentioned cookies and of course I had to try them. Right? I mean who wouldn't want to make chocolate chip cookies with bacon in them, espeically if you had read the blog that I got the recipe from. So last Sunday morning I decided was the day to attempt making these oddities. It went well. I have never taken so much time and put so much effort into any chocolate chip cookies. Ever. I've made a lot of batches of cookies. Usually I dump in the sugar and butter and cream that together and then just add everything else. Sometimes I don't even cream the butter and sugar first, I just put everything in the bowl and mix with a hand mixer for a minute or two. This recipe was going to have none of that however. It required me to combine the flour and baking soda, then in a seperate bowl add the sugars and eggs (it called for 1 whole egg and an egg yolk, talk about gourmet) I also melted the butter until it browned but that was part of the appeal of the recipe because brown butter anything is scrumptious. No hand mixers were allowed so I stirred the butter, egg, sugar mixutre by hand and then I had to wait 5 minutes or so for the sugar to dissolve in to the butter and eggs. After all that I also had to cook the bacon! I know you'd think that I would have been prepared for that step but it was more work than it was worth. The cookies were delcious, don't get me wrong in fact they were the best I've ever made for sure. If I make them again I'll need someone to give them too so that I don't eat them all. But the family thought the bacon was a little weird and because of that I didn't get the praise I was hoping for (always disappointing). Now I know that taking a little more effort on my choc. chip cookies is worth it and I'll omit the bacon so that takes care of one dish I won't have to wash making these cookies so worth it.

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