
Rediscovering the joy of the Library

I LOVE libraries! The ambiance of the buildings is wonderful. As I walk in I start to feel smartness seeping into me. I know that's not really how it works but it's a nice feeling. I could spend hours in a library, or bookstore for that matter, but libraries are by far better because I get to keep the little treasures for just the right amount of time and then take it back and get more and it never clutters up my space (I really dislike clutter.)
Well I say that I rediscovered the library because this week I went to the library for the first time in a couple months and I went to the main library in Ogden which is where I would go as a child and there were so many memories that flooded me as I walked through the automatic sliding doors that I could never get to open when I was 5 because I was just too short. As I walked in there was the giant stuffed polar bear that used to always be dressed for the season but I guess he is getting old and it was just him, all alone in his chair, but he made me happy nonetheless. I went to the library in search of  The Flavor Bible sounds exciting, right? So far it is. It's a book all about getting past the elementary levels of food creation to create true masterpieces. There's a quote from the preface that I love! "Ultimately, cooking offers the opportunity to be immersed in one's senses and in the moment like no other activity, uniting the inner and outer selves. At these times, cooking transcends drudgery and becomes a means of meditation and even healing." Profound, enlightening, inspiring, and mouthwatering. Thank you Flavor Bible. I have a wonderful idea for sugar cookies that I needed this book for and I will get around to making my gourmet surprises next week. As for the skirt that I made well I wore it a lot this week and it is now wrinkly, grungy, and frumpy looking (it's been hot lately and my dear car has no AC) so I will have to post pictures later. Yes pictures are also on my list of things to do good thing I only have to work the weekend at my poor college student job that I resent more than I should because I need to be grateful for a job. That's another topic entirely. Ta ta for now!

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